

HijackLibs thanks everyone who has added entries to this project:

HijackLibs is grateful to all cyber security researchers who provided resources that enabled the creation of new entries for this project:

Website Number of references
Favicon of wietze.github.io wietze.github.io 353
Favicon of securityintelligence.com securityintelligence.com 151
Favicon of github.com/xforcered github.com/xforcered 150
Favicon of virustotal.com virustotal.com 71
Favicon of hexacorn.com hexacorn.com 14
Favicon of asec.ahnlab.com asec.ahnlab.com 12
Favicon of decoded.avast.io decoded.avast.io 10
Favicon of news.sophos.com news.sophos.com 9
Favicon of globetech.biz globetech.biz 7
Favicon of secureworks.com secureworks.com 7
Favicon of twitter.com/bsummerz twitter.com/bsummerz 5
Favicon of twitter.com/sbousseaden twitter.com/sbousseaden 5
Favicon of welivesecurity.com welivesecurity.com 5
Favicon of twitter.com/andrewoliveau twitter.com/andrewoliveau 4
Favicon of crowdstrike.com crowdstrike.com 3
Favicon of huntress.com huntress.com 3
Favicon of joesandbox.com joesandbox.com 3
Favicon of sentinelone.com sentinelone.com 3
Favicon of twitter.com/0gtweet twitter.com/0gtweet 3
Favicon of analyze.intezer.com analyze.intezer.com 2
Favicon of blog.trendmicro.com blog.trendmicro.com 2
Favicon of github.com/hackerhouse-opensource github.com/hackerhouse-opensource 2
Favicon of github.com/netero1010 github.com/netero1010 2
Favicon of mandiant.com mandiant.com 2
Favicon of microsoft.com microsoft.com 2
Favicon of ptsecurity.com ptsecurity.com 2
Favicon of securelist.com securelist.com 2
Favicon of trendmicro.com trendmicro.com 2
Favicon of twitter.com/hackerfantastic twitter.com/hackerfantastic 2
Favicon of twitter.com/max_mal_ twitter.com/max_mal_ 2
Favicon of twitter.com/stopmalvertisin twitter.com/stopmalvertisin 2
Favicon of unit42.paloaltonetworks.com unit42.paloaltonetworks.com 2
Favicon of vms.drweb.com vms.drweb.com 2
Favicon of any.run any.run 1
Favicon of bazaar.abuse.ch bazaar.abuse.ch 1
Favicon of blog.aquasec.com blog.aquasec.com 1
Favicon of blog.eclecticiq.com blog.eclecticiq.com 1
Favicon of blog.google blog.google 1
Favicon of blog.osarmor.com blog.osarmor.com 1
Favicon of blog.talosintelligence.com blog.talosintelligence.com 1
Favicon of blog.vonahi.io blog.vonahi.io 1
Favicon of blogs.blackberry.com blogs.blackberry.com 1
Favicon of cisa.gov cisa.gov 1
Favicon of cofense.com cofense.com 1
Favicon of contextis.com contextis.com 1
Favicon of csirt-cti.net csirt-cti.net 1
Favicon of cybereason.com cybereason.com 1
Favicon of dennisbabkin.com dennisbabkin.com 1
Favicon of discussions.apple.com discussions.apple.com 1
Favicon of eiploader.wordpress.com eiploader.wordpress.com 1
Favicon of fireeye.com fireeye.com 1
Favicon of fortinet.com fortinet.com 1
Favicon of github.com/paloaltonetworks github.com/paloaltonetworks 1
Favicon of github.com/reddrip7 github.com/reddrip7 1
Favicon of github.com/still34 github.com/still34 1
Favicon of go.crowdstrike.com go.crowdstrike.com 1
Favicon of go.recordedfuture.com go.recordedfuture.com 1
Favicon of iosninja.io iosninja.io 1
Favicon of itm4n.github.io itm4n.github.io 1
Favicon of learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com 1
Favicon of mcafee.com mcafee.com 1
Favicon of medium.com/@infiniti_css medium.com/@infiniti_css 1
Favicon of medium.com/insomniacs medium.com/insomniacs 1
Favicon of mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com 1
Favicon of nortonlifelock.com nortonlifelock.com 1
Favicon of posts.specterops.io posts.specterops.io 1
Favicon of pwc.co.uk pwc.co.uk 1
Favicon of rapid7.com rapid7.com 1
Favicon of remoteawesomethoughts.blogspot.com remoteawesomethoughts.blogspot.com 1
Favicon of research.checkpoint.com research.checkpoint.com 1
Favicon of safebreach.com safebreach.com 1
Favicon of security.paloaltonetworks.com security.paloaltonetworks.com 1
Favicon of securityjoes.com securityjoes.com 1
Favicon of securonix.com securonix.com 1
Favicon of skr1x.github.io skr1x.github.io 1
Favicon of sophos.com sophos.com 1
Favicon of st.drweb.com st.drweb.com 1
Favicon of symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com 1
Favicon of symantec.broadcom.com symantec.broadcom.com 1
Favicon of thedfirreport.com thedfirreport.com 1
Favicon of thehackernews.com thehackernews.com 1
Favicon of trellix.com trellix.com 1
Favicon of trustwave.com trustwave.com 1
Favicon of twitter.com/0xcarnage twitter.com/0xcarnage 1
Favicon of twitter.com/an0n_r0 twitter.com/an0n_r0 1
Favicon of twitter.com/cryptolaemus1 twitter.com/cryptolaemus1 1
Favicon of twitter.com/dissectmalware twitter.com/dissectmalware 1
Favicon of twitter.com/dtcert twitter.com/dtcert 1
Favicon of twitter.com/malwrhunterteam twitter.com/malwrhunterteam 1
Favicon of twitter.com/mrexodia twitter.com/mrexodia 1
Favicon of twitter.com/octoberfest73 twitter.com/octoberfest73 1
Favicon of twitter.com/rexorvc0 twitter.com/rexorvc0 1
Favicon of twitter.com/sh0ckfr twitter.com/sh0ckfr 1
Favicon of twitter.com/shitsecure twitter.com/shitsecure 1
Favicon of twitter.com/tac_mangusta twitter.com/tac_mangusta 1
Favicon of twitter.com/thepacketrat twitter.com/thepacketrat 1
Favicon of twitter.com/unit42_intel twitter.com/unit42_intel 1
Favicon of web-assets.esetstatic.com web-assets.esetstatic.com 1
Favicon of x00.zip x00.zip 1
Favicon of youtube.com youtube.com 1